Silent Running
Silent Running Diptych, 42x66 & 42x38 inches, acrylics and pigments on cotton, 2024 Silent Running I felt challenged or better forced...

What is art?
A series of short videos around the topic of what art is, how it works and what it can do.

When I was about 10 years old, I realized that I will be dead some day, everything seemed pointless after that, why live if you have to...

letters from the pandemic #7 Apr 16 2021
What it is One tends to believe that crisis' have a noticeable end - there are the proverbial bells ringing when the war is over, the...

letters from the pandemic #6 Dec 18 2020
The year that wasn’t is almost over When I wrote my first “pandemic letter” on March 26th, we were just about 2 weeks into the statewide...

letters from the pandemic #5 Oct 16 2020
The Summer of our Discontent I borrowed that line, of course from John Steinbeck’s last novel “The Winter of our Discontent” and like in...

letters from the pandemic #4 June 17 2020
“The pandemic will pass, life will go on for most of us, but some things will most probably change for good. There’s no way of predicting...

letters from the pandemic #3 May 17 2020
Yesterday it was March 5th and today is May 17th, it seems to me that the past two and a half months have passed in a blink of an eye,...

letters from the pandemic #2 April 17 2020
Surreal, the few cars on the highways, signs reading ‘Stop the Spread”, the empty streets, the few people walking around, wearing face...

letters from the pandemic #1 March 26 2020
Perception of time is an uncanny thing, which we all have experienced time and again, some action packed days seem to last a life time...